machinery specification
MidMeki X-Ray Unit
MidMeki X-Ray Unit
The MidiMeki bridges the gap between metal detectors and high-priced x-ray inspection systems offering an affordable xray machine that can take your quality control inspection system to the next level.
The MidMEKI takes the best features of the MEKI but is equipped with a wide conveyor and the ability to perform x-ray detection on a larger area/packages. The large detection ability of the MidiMEKI makes it idea for inspection and detection of large food products/packaged products in manufacturing and processing lines. It is also ideal for quality control of tray/boxes
where multiple and mixed products are packaged together.
- Make: Mekitec
- Model: MidiMEKI
- Serial No: 61334247814
- Type: X-Ray
- Belt Width: 475mm
- Platform Length: 1000mm